Tuesday, February 8, 2011

His Holiness The 14th The Dalai Lama's Message to the People of Ireland (via Office of Tibet )

"I am looking forward to visiting Ireland in April to participate in a range of events organized by Children in Crossfire, Afri and SpunOut.ie. I very much look forward to speaking in Dublin, Kildare and Limerick at events which I hope will help people realise their own potential, as well as the immense possibilities that exist for realising much needed personal, social and global change. It is my hope that POSSIBILITIES 2011 will open up a space of dialogue, action and reflection and strengthen the realization that vast possibilities are available to the people of Ireland at this time.

Our world is in turmoil but this also provides an opportunity for true transformation towards peace, justice and happiness if we show courage and hope. As I have said before, I truly believe that individuals can make a difference in society and it is up to each of us to make the best use of our time to help create a happier and fairer world.

It will be especially important to visit at a time when Ireland is facing serious turmoil, as is the world as a whole, grappling as it is with economic upheaval, climate change, and great and growing chasms between rich and poor.

I hope that my time in Ireland - in the company of my good friend and my hero Richard Moore - will contribute towards the building of a new civic and cultural force for change."

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Catalyst April 16th-23rd, 2001 - We Can Change The World


Do you want to coach/ facilitate? 
Do you want to develop practical 'hands-on' leadership skills? 
Do you want to change the world? 

Join us for Catalyst April 16-23, 2011
Gloucestershire, UK

If you have attended a Leadership Foundations Programme in Italy, Ireland or anywhere in the world, you are now qualified and ready to be part of this training.

Catalyst is the new combination course of Living Leadership and coaches training, incorporating the best of both and then some! 
Ilana Wetzler, CEO of Lucca Leadership South Africa who piloted the course in SA in December is flying in especially to lead us in developing a great team of coaches and facilitators. 

The residential course will be held at the Asha Centre www.ashacentre.org and will cover the following:
  • Practical ways to develop your potential and draw more fully on inner resources.
  • Further forms of dialogue, looking at how to use dialogue for structured problem solving and enhancing creativity.
  • How to lead through speech / how to facilitate
  • Taking Personal Mastery even further by developing our Resilience to be a transformational leader.
  • How to build and develop a successful team.
  • Coaching and how to allow people to develop their full potential.
As Lucca Leadership UK/ the Change seeks to grow its impact over the next 18 months there will be plenty of opportunities to put your skills into action, a rewarding way to work with people who are as passionate about making a difference as you.
Whether or not you use your training in Lucca Leadership or in your own work, you will get a set of skills that are incredibly practical and valuable in whatever work that you do.

What you need to do, now 

We need to know are you in? And if so how much are you able to pay for the course? 
From the group of people that want to attend, the plan is to then collectively raise the funds needed and work together to make the course happen.

Please email me at ukinfo@luccaleadership.org with the following information before Tuesday February 8th:
  1. Whether you would like to attend the Catalyst course in April
    There are a limited number of places and so it's really important that you give us your name as soon as possible
  2. How much you are able to pay for your accommodation / food / travel (if at all). The full course cost is £600. If you are able to pay more and support someone else to attend, please include that in this amount. 
    All flights and accommodation before and after the course are not included in this and will be up to you to arrange

Friday, February 4, 2011

YouthActionNet® Global Fellowship Program

YouthActionNet® Global Fellowship Program


A program of the International Youth Foundation, YouthActionNet® seeks to develop a new generation of socially-conscious global citizens who create positive change in their communities, their countries, and the world. Each year, 20 young social entrepreneurs are selected as YouthActionNet® Global Fellows following a competitive application process. Supported by the Sylvan Laureate Foundation, the yearlong Global Fellowship includes:


  • A seven-day leadership retreat for the twenty selected Fellows which offers dynamic peer-to-peer learning and collaboration
  • Focus on the personal growth and leadership abilities of Fellows, in addition to providing instruction in specific skills required to manage innovative, world-changing organizations
  • Year-round learning and support opportunities based on Fellows’ individual needs and the six dimensions of the YouthActionNet® Leadership Model: Personal, Visionary, Political, Collaborative, Organizational, and Societal

Networking and Resources:

  • Networking with international and national aid agencies, NGOs, and corporate partners
  • Access to potential resources to support Fellows and their projects, including volunteers, mentors, and grant opportunities
  • Peer-to-peer networking throughout the year


  • Training in areas such as communications planning, media outreach, message development, presentation skills, and innovative uses of new media technologies
  • Access to global advocacy platforms and media coverage


  • Open to all young people, ages 18-29 (as of October 1, 2011)
  • Applicants must be the founder/co-founder of an existing organization, or a project within an organization, with a demonstrated one year track record of leading societal change
  • Proficiency in English is required; applications must be submitted in English
  • Applicants must attend the full retreat in early October, 2011 (all expenses paid)

To Apply

Completed applications are due by March 11th, 2011. Applicants may visit www.youthactionnet.org to apply online or to download the application. Online submissions are preferred, however, if necessary applicants can email completed application forms toyan@iyfnet.org .