Thursday, October 28, 2010

Lucca Leadership talking about talking Irish

Michelle Gallen -

TalkIrish has had an exciting year to date. Following a Level 2 UnLtd cash award, Talk Irish secured a grant of £47k from The Arts Council of Northern Ireland’s Creative Industries Innovation Fund. Several employees have joined the team in recent months – an Irish web editor, a coder and designer. 
In April 2010, Talk Irish was awarded the prestigious Kieran Hegarty Award for Interactivity at the Celtic Media Festival – beating off competition from 5 BBC websites.

In June, Michelle Gallen from Talk Irish joined TN2020 – the British Council’s network of future leaders and influencers. As part of this network, she spent a week in Chicago, meeting with leaders and influencers from across Europe and the USA.

Talk Irish negotiated the exclusive rights to produce digital versions of Buntús Cainte – the most successful course in Irish ever. The Talk Irish team is hard at work producing online and MP3 courses which will be launched for sale in Autumn 2010 – bringing Talk Irish the revenue it needs to build a sustainable enterprise.

Finally, keeps growing – with over 7,500 members now part of our online community.

For more information check out

Friday, October 22, 2010

Daynuv - great work, big plans, what's next...

James Corbett and Keith Kennedy - Daynuv

Daynuv received a great boost at the ICT in Education conference recently when keynote speaker and Carlow Educate Together principal Simon Lewis commended their collaboration with by saying, “If this was expanded out to every school the possibilities are phenomenal”

With the success of the pilot programme behind them the plan now is to roll out the service to 20 schools nationwide. Before the summer holidays contact was made with a large number of teachers and the response has been such that the demand for the programme will more than meet the targeted quota of 20.

As such Daynuv and have collaborated on a sponsorship proposal which has been circulated to a focused group of corporates. Discussions are on-going with a government agency and an official stamp of approval looks likely to be received soon.

Check out for more information about Lucca Leadership's courses

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Lucca Leadership recommends checking out

Krystian Fikert - MyMind

PPD - The Psychological Centre is now trading as MyMind (My Mind, My Health, My Success). MyMind vision is that everyone in Ireland has easy and quick access to community based mental health services. MyMind purpose is to build a network of community based mental health services that are quick, accessible and affordable for every person in Ireland.

MyMind resolution to current situation in Ireland is:
- to offer earlier intervention leading to better mental health
- to offer an alternative solution to medical model (we do not prescribe drugs as a resolution, only if necessary)
- to be accessible, clients are able to see a professional within a few days after initial contact
- services are affordable, with reduced or free sessions for those who cannot afford full fees

MyMind Centre offers: 
- Face to face counselling
- On-line services through
- Crisis intervention
- Psychological assesments
- Life coaching
- Work related coaching
- Workshops and trainings
- Suicide prevention for children

MyMind Centre is open 6 days a week, from 8am - 10pm.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Lucca Leadership Ireland highlighting the work of BikePure

Myles McCorry - BikePure
BikePure have seen fantastic growth over the past few months. With new ambassadors in Qatar, Ghana and Taiwan their global influence and network is solidifying. The brand is a powerful one and with power BikePure is working hard to bring about change to protect the lives of future champions.

As cycling is the most drug tested sport in the world, victories in this battle will have exponential impact as the improved procedures are being passed on to other sports.

One of the core targets of BikePure’s work is rebuilding the testing procedures with the governing body of sport. They have built a working relationship with WADA. The World Anti-Doping Authority has the power to induce change and is the direct aim of their member’s efforts. A lesson learnt which all Social Entrepreneurs will be well aware of is ‘who is listening’? BikePure has over 40,000 members around the world, but only a few with the power and influence to assist with massive changes. Time spent researching and ‘courting’ the key people who have the power to actually induce change is time well spent.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Lucca Leadership talks about the power of Service

In times of uncertainty it can happen that people's focus narrows to their own family, community or nation. History suggests that if in so doing we ignore the well-being of others, the difficulties may only deepen. Governments and nations, corporations and communities, families and friends are seeking ways to calm the storm.

Experience suggests that unless our response contains the ethic of service to all, there will be prosperity for none. Dr Martin Luther King put it simply, in challenging racism and segregation; "We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools." How to live together as a human family has been challenge a for millennia; when times are tough, the price of not doing so becomes higher still. Core to the idea of transformational leadership is the proposition that transformation begins with the individual leader. So, how can each of us try to deepen the ethic of service to all in our lives?

Making It Practical. By its nature, service is about what is in front of each of us, now.

1. Network for service. Whether you love it or hate it, getting things done as a leader involves a degree of networking. Here is a radical approach to networking from Srikumar Rao of London Business School. Network to serve. Rather than trying to find people who can be of use to you, identify someone to whom you can be of service, define what that is, and deliver it. In turning networking to service we can deepen the links of care and compassion that support us as a single human family.
2. What would happen if everyone did as I am doing now? This is a simple test of ethics and sustainability. It tests whether we are responding to a situation in a way that serves us at others expense. Consuming the earth's resources, dealing with our neighbours, managing personal finances - are our approaches to daily life consistent with the long term good of all? Identify one or two areas of life that you might review and assess if you can make a choice which serves others more fully. Make the change! From how we run our households, to how we treat people everyday, we are in constant interaction - what is our impact?
3. Optimism. Research (as well as common sense) is clear that optimism is a critical leadership capability. This is not about ignoring the facts - it is actually about embracing them fearlessly and still having the expectation that things will work out well. Reflect on your emotional impact this week - are you uplifting people through hope and optimism? Keep a diary and review your day.
From experience. "Last week, I sat with a man who had built an organisation to help young people to serve in order to bring about peace and prosperity in the city he lived in. Over the last few years, he has engaged hundreds of people and organisations in working together. I asked him what his motivation was. He moved into the city as a foreigner, he said. Looking for an opportunity to become involved, he had visited a lady who for over 15 years had collected and given out food and clothes every day to the poor of the city. He watched people come, take everything the lady had, and leave mostly without a word of thanks or acknowledgement. He asked her why she did it, when to his eyes the people she helped treated her no better than if they were robbing her. She told him that over the years she had seen a subtle change in some of the people; however apparently imperceptible, change was occurring. I realized that this is the transformational power of service. It transforms those who serve, and inspires others to do the same. And it offers the possibility of transformation to those who are served. All win. None are excluded."

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Mary Nally inspiring everyone at Lucca Leadership Ireland

Mary Nally – Third Age Foundation

Mary Nally through her organisation, the Third Age Foundation, is harnessing the power and abilities of older people to make a difference to their own communities and to society in general.  The Third Age Foundation now has over 700 volunteers working on their national initiatives such as Fáilte Isteach, Senior Help Line, and the Way We Were. 

Their work highlights the values of positive ageing across Ireland and opens up new possibilities for empowering older people.

Mary is tapping into an undervalued and underutilized demographic bounty by creating active contributors to society among the ageing. 

In the past year alone, older people have supported their peers by taking over 13,000 calls on Senior Help Line, which now has 15 centres across the country; over 500 students attend free conversational English classes at the 23 Fáilte Isteach centres Mary has established in 9 counties; and “The Way We Were” project has now brought history to life for more that 1,000 primary school children in the 12 schools it has visited so far.

For more information about Lucca Leadership Ireland check out

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Lucca Leadership talks about Anu and her work on peace in the world

The objective of Ekataa is to provide every human being on earth an opportunity to forget and transcend all the
‘labels’ we acquire during our lifetime based on various kinds of conditionings that reflect our
cultural, religious, ethnic, linguistic, social, gender and age differences, and to unite in the
simple recognition of our shared identity as human beings for the first 11 minutes of 1.1.11.

An invitation to every individual on earth to light up the world in celebration of the unity we share as human beings and ‘sound’ as one on 1st January 2011 at 00:00 hours. A call to all of humankind to ‘sound' common words of goodwill with the help of the media and world leaders, organizations and individuals for the first 11 minutes at 00.00hr (of respective countries) of January 1st, 2011 (1.1.11) to reaffirm and celebrate the fundamental unity of our humanness which is our first identity that underlies all other identities based on race, gender, age, nationality, creed or status.

Will you join?
Let’s make all of humanity, the best and the worst, the privileged and the unprivileged, the believer and the nonbeliever sound as One on 1.1.11( One-One-Eleven). Will you join by lighting a candle/ lamp at midnight on 1.1.11 and invite your community and leaders and the media to join in this celebration as well?

Dr Anuradha Choudry
For further updates please visit: and

For more information about Lucca Leadership's courses please go to

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Lucca Leadership Profiles another inspiring leader in Ireland

Michelle Gallen -

TalkIrish has had an exciting year to date. Following a Level 2 UnLtd cash award, Talk Irish secured a grant of £47k from The Arts Council of Northern Ireland’s Creative Industries Innovation Fund. Several employees have joined the team in recent months – an Irish web editor, a coder and designer. 
In April 2010, Talk Irish was awarded the prestigious Kieran Hegarty Award for Interactivity at the Celtic Media Festival – beating off competition from 5 BBC websites.

In June, Michelle Gallen from Talk Irish joined TN2020 – the British Council’s network of future leaders and influencers. As part of this network, she spent a week in Chicago, meeting with leaders and influencers from across Europe and the USA.

Talk Irish negotiated the exclusive rights to produce digital versions of Buntús Cainte – the most successful course in Irish ever. The Talk Irish team is hard at work producing online and MP3 courses which will be launched for sale in Autumn 2010 – bringing Talk Irish the revenue it needs to build a sustainable enterprise.

Finally, keeps growing – with over 7,500 members now part of our online community.

To find out more about Lucca Leadership's upcoming leadership courses in Ireland go to

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A simple update on Lucca Leadership Ireland

Lucca Leadership has had an eventful summer with programs being run in Dublin, Meath, Wicklow, London, Hertfordshire, Italy, Illinois, Skopje, Capetown, Gansbaai and more. So far more than 360 people have been on the programs in Ireland alone and over 2000 around the world. A recent participant on a program said "I learnt my voice can be heard. My actions will affect people”. A highlight of the summer was the program run in South Africa by the Irish and South African team for Dance4Life, with 16 amazing young people trained to lead and 8 mentors to support them the world is in good hands. With another 5 leadership events and programs planned for the year Lucca Leadership Ireland is continuing to be kept busy. The rest of 2010 will bring more exciting changes in Ireland including the recruitment of a new CEO, as Robert Mulhall steps aside to give someone new the opportunity he has had to lead and grow an organisation. They are also strategically building the board and refining the services that are on offer to the world. 

Monday, October 4, 2010

Lucca Leadership is inspired by Sr Antoinette Keelan and her amazing work with young people

Sr Antoinette Keelan - St John's Education Centre 

St John’s Education Centre has been hosting a REBT (Rational Emotional Behaviour Therapy) course for teachers from the schools network, parents who work the phone and Drop-In Centre and the team. It is very practical and offers opportunities for the diverse partners to engage with time and professional facilitation with the issues which present in the lives of teens today as well as challenging each participant to look at how his or her own emotional behaviour impacts.

The Centre is hosting a talk on Dyslexia on Thursday 14th October at 7.30. It will be given by Ron Davis and will include his fascinating history and the breakthrough he made correcting his severe dyslexia, the background and development of the Davis Correction methods, how dyslexics think and learn and why it is a gift! Ron Davis has also developed a programme for dealing with Autism and as he is autistic himself this work comes from a lived experience. Anyone wishing to attend should contact Sr. Antoinette on 087 923 9817.

This year plans are in train to add BBBS (Big Brother Big Sister) modules to the Programmes and Foroige are willing to support this initiative.

Applications are already in for the next Programme and so the cycle begins anew. 

To find out more about Lucca Leadership check out

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Mad Pride is exactly what Ireland needs says Lucca Leadership

John McCarthy – Mad Pride Ireland

John says: “Mad Pride Ireland has gone nuts. We are everywhere, we are being covered on Radio, TV regional and national newspapers. We are now an annual event by invitation of Cork City Council. We are by invitation of Tullamore town council an annual event in August. We are planning to go to Galway, Dublin and Belfast next year. More later!! 

Stephen Fry twittered us we had 95,000 hits whatever that means.

McCarthy consulting and Goldifish events do all the work; John takes all the credit; that is he believes; very fair.

This has simply been a fantastic event we have had 40,000 people at our events to date. We had an estimated 16,000 in Cork this year (that is half the attendance at electric picnic). Not bad from a standing start 3 years ago (and our budget we gladly do it for buttons).

Stigma based on fear, ignorance and prejudice simply has to STOP. 

We have been instrumental in stirring up a debate in and around mental health from a compeletly different perspective, check out Questions are being asked, answers are being demanded. Force as a treatment is a breach of human rights it simply has to stop. We are still forcing our citizens to take ECT against their will what does that say of our society?”

To find out more about Lucca Leadership and its leadership courses email

Friday, October 1, 2010

Lucca Leadership is in awe of the RISE Foundation

The RISE Foundation has had a very busy year with lots happening to help its mission to support families with loved ones in addiction. The focus has been very much on the challenge of funding the expansion of their non-residential and residential Family Programmes and the development of a dedicated addiction awareness and education centre on beautiful Rathlin Island, Co. Antrim. Highlights over the past year included:

- 120 fantastic 'RISE Women' participating in a rain soaked Flora mini marathon and raising an amazing €19K.

- The growth of the RISE team to include Vodafone World of Difference 2010 winner Mark O'Doherty, who joined as Marketing & Communications Officer and Rabia Tabassum, who has joined as an administrative volunteer. They join Frances Black (Founder & CEO), Brian Allen and Stephen Rowen who, as one of Ireland's top addiction specialists, heads up the RISE Family Programmes.

- The RISE Foundation was delighted to be this year’s chosen charity for the Moyle District Council's (Co. Antrim) May Day Gala Ball fundraising event.

For more information about Lucca Leadership check out