Monday, October 4, 2010

Lucca Leadership is inspired by Sr Antoinette Keelan and her amazing work with young people

Sr Antoinette Keelan - St John's Education Centre 

St John’s Education Centre has been hosting a REBT (Rational Emotional Behaviour Therapy) course for teachers from the schools network, parents who work the phone and Drop-In Centre and the team. It is very practical and offers opportunities for the diverse partners to engage with time and professional facilitation with the issues which present in the lives of teens today as well as challenging each participant to look at how his or her own emotional behaviour impacts.

The Centre is hosting a talk on Dyslexia on Thursday 14th October at 7.30. It will be given by Ron Davis and will include his fascinating history and the breakthrough he made correcting his severe dyslexia, the background and development of the Davis Correction methods, how dyslexics think and learn and why it is a gift! Ron Davis has also developed a programme for dealing with Autism and as he is autistic himself this work comes from a lived experience. Anyone wishing to attend should contact Sr. Antoinette on 087 923 9817.

This year plans are in train to add BBBS (Big Brother Big Sister) modules to the Programmes and Foroige are willing to support this initiative.

Applications are already in for the next Programme and so the cycle begins anew. 

To find out more about Lucca Leadership check out

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